Ohio is a wonderful place. Let’s face it we have the Buckeyes, two below average NFL teams, two (sometimes surprisingly good) MLB teams, a (once upon a time) NBA team, and a plethora of farm land and fresh air (if you aren’t in a city of any sort or by one of our factories). The only thing that I dislike about Ohio is the weather. What’s with the up and down rollercoaster of weather that we experience every week?
Why must this glorious place tease us like this? One example of this; a week ago the temperature was a high of 45, today’s high was 75, yesterdays high was 84, tomorrows high is a steady 54. What kind of sick joke is this? All I can say is Ohio would be an even better place to reside in if it was a cool 73 degrees every day with a slight wind out of the west. I would even put up with the occasional thunderstorm at that point. So that is “What Burns My Bearings” today.